

Monday, November 30, 2009

In Transition........


It's been a long time since I've posted. That's due to a lack of inspiration or just inspiration trying to be born.
I guess what I've learned in this time period is that there are highs and lows and it is ok to feel them. I have been in transition with my perception and acceptance to myself. I have been reading a lot of material and talking to mentors/active practioners on living the Law of Attraction. Upon hearing this newfound view of life/human existence, it is so alluring to me, that it is like living in a candyland but after awhile, you can get a tummyache from eating too much good stuff, if you've never let yourself enjoy it before. I guess it takes brains and willpower and determination in putting all this good lovely sensible wisdom into play. I guess I had to take a step back in knowing how to handle the highs/lows and find the right balance.
What's been itching on me is the act of doing. I have been inspired from articles and speakers on "Just Be, Don't Do." This energy in this time period has switched over from masculine (doing) into feminine (being)..... Well, I'll tell ya, for sure it was hard for me to get in touch with my feelings when I have been doing for so long. But now, instead of reacting to my emotions that my thoughts trigger, I sit back, pause, and switch my energy into being. "It's just a thought and thoughts can be changed" is what I learned from Louise Hays that has stuck with me since reading "You Can Heal Your Life." I used to believe everything I thought. And I would be foolish. But at the time I was unaware of my foolishness, and thought I was right.
So, the bottom line, is to just be. And when I be, I turn inward into my heart more and less in my head. And it gives me a sense of peace, love, and acceptance. And I find myself being alright with things. And I enjoy the moment more. Because when you worry, you are worrying about the future, and are actually CREATING your future with your worried thoughts - Pretty scary. I've done it many times. Now I can create my future with just "being" and enjoying the moment. And I can create my future that way. And I dream. I dream big. I picture myself the way I want to be, and the way I want to be, and what I want in my life, and I imagine it. The big mansion and the perfect loving husband with the 2 kids running around hasn't showed up yet - But all the other little stuff I wanted that I imagined has in the last few months!!! So I don't have doubts that what I truly desire in my near future won't happen. Who knows how long when. But the immediate tiny desires I wished for for a short while did. So it's true that you can create your own destiny. You can have anything you want in life if you just be, imagine, and dream. It's pretty scary. But pretty damn cool.