

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 to 2011 ~ Transitioning into peace and love.

2011. Where did the year go? It seems like it was just summer a few months ago.
I am sure 2011 will provide many opportunities and the flow into them will be of ease.
I ended 2010 in Nipawin, Saskatchewan, and began 2011 in Nipawin, Saskatchewan. It seemed like the right place to shed behind and leave the old, and have something new to bring into the New Year. New scenery, new people, new insights.
I went with my boyfriend on a road trip from Vancouver, BC to Nipawin, Saskatchewan, and left the day after Christmas, December 26, 2010. It was a much needed journey to shed off some old stale energies stuck inside me. As the days went by, it seemed like I was gaining more insights, learning more lessons, and taking in a new perspective into creating the new me for a fresh start into 2011.
Nipawin is a town way north of Saskatchewan with the population of 1,000 with bare roads and white covered fields of snow. The quiet and stillness is basically all you have to take in. Ice fishing, snowmobiling, and the flaps of ravens wings through the dead sound of air swallowed by massive forests is Nipawin in a nutshell. Distant sounds of snowmobiles and trucks kilometres down the long snowy roads is all you hear. There was one time we went to the hillbilliest of the hillbillies own yard to put on some snow tires, where I kept warm from the -20 degree weather infront of a firepit in the garage with collectible pop and beer cans hanging from the ceiling. He said he collected every single printed label imaginable. The cold doesn't get to you though, like it does out here. With sunny skies and a drier climate, don't let the number fool you. Of course though, I was bundles up in layers and snow pants, but it doesn't chill you to the bone like the damp rainy weather of Vancouver.
My most memorable moment by far, though was our night spent at his friend Jeff's house, in Calgary, on our journey back, Jan 2, 2011. Jeff is a Shaman and works with crystals and Spirit. Just telling him I was feeling unbalanced lately was his invitation to do some work on me. He told me to stand up, and breathe and centre myself. As I was starting to feel the energy flow, it wasn't long for me to connect to my Higher Self. Visuals came to my head, and a doorway was seen in the distance. He told me to walk towards it. I did, and as I was standing there wanting to open it, he told Lance to stand up beside me and Lance had to prepare himself to let as well. At this point, feeling Lance's presence beside me, I felt so small. I felt like a tiny 4 foot lady and Lance was a powerful giant towering beside me, but I felt safe. Jeff gave Lance a crystal and told him that this was the key to give to me and Lance has been waiting for thousands of years to give this to me. Jeff told Lance he was in his past and Jeff told me to tell Lance "It's ok. You've fulfilled your vow." I said it, and Jeff told me to say it again, from my heart. I took a breath and felt it from my heart. I held out my hand and Jeff asked Lance if he was ready to give me the key. He said yes, and he put it in my hand. Jeff told me to look at it, and to see all the love that was in it from his past. I did, and I felt it. Jeff then told me to take a few steps through the door into the new room, and I pictured an outside field of flowers and daisies, and smelled the fresh air. He then told me to turn around and to see where I came from. I saw a dark doorway and through the doorway was a long hallway that was shadowed by the doorway. He told me that was the "old Karla" and all I saw was a dark shadowed Karla looking small. I felt bigger now standing in this new place. He told Lance to raise up his hands infront of him and me as well and to feel the energy between us. We then joined our hands together and had a heart felt connection and embraced each other in our arms for a minute or two. It was the best feeling. We were now connected at heart and inseparable.
Jeff then mentioned that that was the first time he hadn't held the key for anyone. It was Lance who held the key for me. That just reinstates that we are meant to be together, and we are there to help each other. That night, we had a heart-to-heart conversation lying in bed together. There is no one else I could open up to without shame or guilt or insecurity. All feels well and all feels safe with him. He is so understanding and caring and accepts and listens to me. He has taught me to love unconditionally and that heart is the most powerful thing. It can move mountains. Through heart, we can overcome anything.
Since that opening, I have felt more love in my heart. I had insights the next day driving through the Rockies from Calgary. As we were approaching the Rockies, I noticed mountains all around me, swarming, an endless supply. It occured to me that there is no one person or thing that we can rely on to make us happy. The world is endless with people and things and all is love and I felt all the love that was shared from people to people throughout my journey.
I also had an insight that we, as society has taught us, and peers and authority figures, to always be striving for something more than what we have and to do better, and to get more, and to achieve a certain status; to be this, that, married, a banker, lawyer, doctor, to be labelled. Well, that is bull$&!#. We have everything we need. I used to want to have something in order to feel successful or fulfilled. I've always wanted more than what I had. Well, it's right in front of my face. I already HAVE it. It's love, it's there. What more could I want? We are all love.