

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's All About Attitude

I just recently moved to Vernon from Vancouver a month ago. One of the major reasons was to get out of the city. Another reason was to live more affordably, and another reason was to get out of the rain. One of the main reasons, was to seek inspiration through change.
At first I felt different, and everything I saw looked different. Even the people who I passed looked different. I had the idea of writing about my daily experiences on a journal and scanning them into a blog, so it would be like a blournal where the reader actually gets a personal touch of who I am. I could even draw little pictures and stuff. But I didn't do it, or haven't done it yet. Partly because of my lack of attention to one particular idea. But I am making the effort to write this now. And I am pleased.
What I really wanted to touch on is opportunity. And manifestation. It seems like I have quickly manifested so much in my time here within the last month, that it feels like my time has doubled. A lot has happened with the meeting of new people, me getting into a new relationship (I know, fast, right? But he is amazing) finding out that my landlady above me is an insomniac, figuring out that it's hard to get around at night without a car (the buses stop running at 6 pm so I feel like I am confined into this house), and realizing that I have to persist and hammer employers if I want to get a job. Alas, this is all part of the change and adventure that I wanted, and this is what I got.
I have been (we all are) manifesting things at an unreasonably fast rate, knowingly and unknowingly. What you think, you create. What you focus on, expands.
This past week I was feeling frustrated that I wouldn't get a job within the next 2 weeks - that is when I need to start working, in 2 weeks because my EI runs out. Panically thinking about Christmas, too, and making it home for my friends and family functions. Worriedly, I asked the Universe for me to land a job within 2 weeks. Fair enough, a few days later, I got a job offer in Vancouver at my old government job I used to work at, Indian and Northern Affairs. It was to start Nov. 14-Mar. 31. Great! But not the city I want to work in. (I guess we have to be specific with our askings!) Tempted to take it, afraid of money (or lack thereof), I had to let her know by 3 pm the next day. Feeling so grateful that the Universe has answered my request, I quickly decided in 2 hours and said I would take it! Feeling a bit uneasy with my belongings and having to move again, and giving up the chance that I had just set up for myself here, I felt a little cheated to myself. "Am I going to give up what could be to go back to where I wanted to escape from?" Thinking that I was making the right decision, I let some of my friends know that I was going back to Vancouver for 5 months. They were excited, of course, to see me again. I was too. Except I didn't know what Vernon would have to offer me. I gave my landlord my notice and was mentally preparing to move the next week.
The next morning(today), I woke up, and realized that I like it here. I love this city, and the people here are so nice. I have met a lot of nice people and have had a lot of help within this last month, just think about what more could come out of this if I were to stay. I really wanted to stay and give it a try for myself.
I phoned my landlord and apologized for the confusion, and told them that I was going to stay and give it a try. I also told the job I would not take it. I also told my friends and family I was staying.
Something came over me today. Something told me to keep going, not to give up, and that I have set myself up here. I felt pushed to try harder, faith and eagerness to proceed and succeed here in this town. I got out my folder and called the places I applied at last week to follow up on my applications. Who I never heard from but wanted to last week, I got in touch with. One of the places even set up an interview time for me. With my newfound attitude on success, I made my way out in the town with determination and confidence and the first place I applied to interviewed me on the spot, and I got the job! Even though it's not my desired pay and part-time, at least it's something to diminish my worry!
You see, I wanted to take that government job out of my attitude of fear and worry about money. I know that if I did go back to Vancouver, I would probably be wondering about all the opportunity I would be missing out on over here. But because I changed my attitude on faith and determination, and held a more positive approach to my reason I moved here, doors opened up for me! And I'm sure it would be a positive one! As one opportunity presents itself, other opportunities begin to present itself, and the flow continues. It's all about motives and attitude. What is the reason behind your decisions? What is your attitude when you make a decision?
Who knows what could present itself to me the longer I am here. The more I put myself out there and the more I have a positive outlook on the reason I moved here, the opportunities could be limitless. You just gotta ask with the right attitude, and you shall receive :)

Here are a couple quotes I thought of today:

"This is just a test. I repeat: This is only a test!" - Life
"When we follow our truth, the Universe opens up doors for us where we otherwise wouldn't see."

have a great day/week/month/year/life! Always remember, the right choices you make is in your attitude about them! :)