

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I am not the same as I used to be. I am better. I am worse. How can we measure our worth. Everything's changing. As Bob Dylan said, "There is nothing as constant as change." Everything's changing. How can we wish something back the way it was when it has already disappeared? Looking ahead to new beginnings, but looking back at the past. I feel stuck in one spot, not knowing which way to go. Can I keep up with this fast pace? Or should I just notice it pass me by and breathe. It feels like I lost my heart a long time ago. I know it's buried down there somewhere. The cycle continued. Built upon something that was never there. Covered up dirt with dirt. So much pain and torture undealt with. Why do we do this to ourselves? We feed on the dug up hole to dig deeper, meanwhile getting stuck inside of it. Seems like a lot of healing to take place. Or, maybe none at all. Perhaps it is all just a story. Perhaps we are immortal, just waiting for our next boundless ocean to play in. Perhaps we have had our hearts all along, indestructable, untorn, intact, perfect. Perhaps we *think* this story affects our hearts, when in reality, it's all we ever have, and all that keeps us alive. Beating. Constant. Unbreakable. Change. Constant.