

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


There is a battle going on.... The battle between good/bad, what is right/wrong. When change is on your side, this battle becomes even stronger to those around you. Those who love you, will accept who you are. Those who do not accept, will have a harder time loving you. There is a battle going on. An opposition of forces, trying to prove their way of what is right/what is wrong. But who is to say what is right/what is wrong? We are all trying to figure it out in our daily lives. We have to Remember: We are not alone in our journey. We are not to be left to figure it all out without help. Who is here to help is GOD, if we put our faith and trust in Him. If we all just believe there is the strength and faith in a HIGHER POWER, someone higher than ourselves! We are powerless. We cannot do it all on our own. We must put faith in GOD. We must learn the truth. We must believe. We must know there is/was something here before us. We must believe in miracles. We must put faith and trust in His hands. He is the one to Guide us. So let GO...... Of trying to figure it all out on your own. Believe in Him. Believe in Yourself. Try Not, Just Believe..... There is something above you, all in all, that has control.