

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Inspiration – Found within you or around you?

Yesterday I met a man randomly by the name of Mitch, as I was at the laundromat. No, this wasn't one of those cheesy “Do you come here often” catch phrases. What struck me was him asking me what I was looking for in the newspaper as I took one out of the street box. I told him I was looking for some inspiration and he said “You don't find that in a newspaper honey, inspiration comes from within.” That struck me as a start to an interesting conversation. I challenged his statement by further saying “But some people don't know how to find it within themselves so they look for it in others so they can tap into their own inspiration.” Intrigued by my response, his first reaction was that I was good with my words. I've always known this, but I've kind of neglected awareness to my talents. We conversed for about half an hour more, and the main message I got from him was “Follow Your Dreams.” He told me his story of starting to follow his dreams by the age of 36 (he is now 47) where he decided one day to take that chance and travel the world as a photographer. He's traveled the world twice (and I mean the whole world, he adamantly mentioned) and has sold roughly 15,000 photographs. OK, maybe more, but it was a few thousand. Being so inspired by this man, out of the blue, is just what I needed at that time. Maybe I didn't need to get that paper. Maybe my whole reason for getting that paper was to get my inspiration from him: A travelling photographer with a sleeper van and his two pitt bulls parked on the side of the road feeding his dogs Science Diet mixed with beef off the sidewalk. After we said our goodbyes, I sat back down in the laundromat's chair, and opened the paper. Seeking inspiration through ads and pictures, I felt indifferent to them. I didn't need to look for inspiration in a newspaper. I had already found it. Now I'm sharing it with you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Simple Sounds

Quiet Sunday
The world's asleep.
Soft songs of bird melodies
fill the open air
by its own natural rhythm.
And I listen.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Accepting Challenges and Experiences in Life

What is the purpose of going through struggles and challenges? It seems that sometimes they seem to take us off our path we want to take. However, it all comes together when you accept the struggles and face the challenges as a way of learning and a means to grow from.
I relate it to athletic training, or a heavy workout session.
As one intensely begins the start of working out, one may wonder why they were even crazy enough to consider it. The pain, the fatigue, the shortness of breath leaves you wanting to quit. But as one trains the mind to proceed, it becomes more of a mental exercise than a body exercise. As one endures the pain and discomfort, the results are the only thought in mind: Total wellness and energy.
Much like the athlete, challenges should be faced the same way. Although unconsciously we are faced with challenges, consciously we choose to better our bodies.
Through challenges and struggles, pain, and heartache, we unconsciously want to run away or wish things were different because that is our natural reaction. Humans don't like change & want to keep a consistent ease of life. However, if we come to accept that things are bound to happen and come up unexpected, we can ease through our challenges as a way of accepting it as life. The more we continue to accept what is, rather than what should be, the more we open our hearts and come from a place of unconditional love. That is the way to go through the pain and suffering. It's to accept it, and acknowledge it is there, and think "What can I learn from this? Why has this been brought into my life unchosenly?" As we begin to assess our situation and the awkwardness we feel, we begin to recognize the areas we need to work on. For instance, if we wish things were a different way, accept them first. If we want someone to act a certain way, accept them first. It's a Catch 22. We can't force anything to happen. The more we accept from our heart, the more things will come into place and things will work itself out naturally and the more you will become a better person, next time they happen, consciously and emotionally.
This is our endurance we need to prevail from unconsciously created situations. This is how we get the results we want. If we just let go of our expectations of people and situations, things will turn around like you have never imagined they would.
After all, that is life. You can't control what happens, you can only control your reactions to what happens. We need these experiences to help better ourselves and to teach others in times of difficulty. We are there for each other. That's why we're here.
Next time you find yourself being critical of others and wanting them to change, remember that they all feel the same emotions we feel and we are all connected. Knowing this puts you at a level of acceptance. Energy is contagious and if we feel uncomfortable by our actions or the actions of others, start with your reaction and consciously choose love.

Monday, January 11, 2010

So much Love.....

Hellow Fellow Beings,

I have this amazingly powerful energy soaring through me right now, and I just wanted to share it with you. We have so much love to give each other, it is out of this world. It makes the world go round, it really does.... Money makes the world go round physically, but love makes the world go round spiritually, intangibly.... There is so much heart break and anger and bitterness in the world resulting in our unmet expectations. Humans, dear ones, you have to realize that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and the universe is sooo completely vast that we can't even wrap it around our heads!!!! It seems we get so wrapped in one thing, or 2, or 3 things that don't go our way, and we make a big fuss about it.... Well, what you need to do is expand your horizons.... there is so much out there we haven't experienced.... If we just open our minds to the limitless opportunities out there, and don't shut the door on new avenues that pop up in your day-to-day life. It is easy to be grumpy, being happy takes practice.... And persistence... And willingness. If you want to be, do, or have what you want, it takes practice.... Things aren't manifested instantaneously... Maybe if you are so aligned with your desires and your truth and openness it will come to you faster than the average joe. We are here to live consciously, in light, and in love. So in general, I have been having this keen sense of awareness that there is more to life out there than what you already have (or what you don't have!!!) I have experienced plenty of lack and hurt and disappointment in my life that I have come full circle into realizing that's where I don't need to be looking.... I need to be focusing on my abundance this moment. For that's all we have. And say you want something but it doesn't come to you. Well, then it's not meant for you to have. Everything comes into your life to teach you lessons and to help you realize your truth. People change. Everything changes. If it's not in your life for a reason, that reason is that you or them have changed. It's a different vibrational frequency that you just can't get mad at. Don't blame the world, because the world provides everything in your life for you at the right time and space of every single moment everyday. God (or the universe) wants nothing but the best for you. SO next time you get your heart broken, just remember - It will be better than it ever was. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year = New You

So welcome to the start of a new year - A big year from what I can feel so far. 2010 sounds big, and it's gonna be big. Big in the sense that a lot of transition and realization will take place, and a powerful urge to do well and move forward (such as the Olympian spirit).
Here are my quotes I gathered from insights recently (more so my resolutions for the new year/new me):
Stay away from what causes you pain and discomfort and what doesn't make you "you"
You can't control everything. The only things within your control are your reactions to situations and the choices you make
Don't focus on what you don't have, but what you do have (and it's usually right in front of you).
You can't change anything. You either accept it for what it is or accept it for what it's not.
Never settle for anything less than you deserve. And assess what it is that you deserve.
It's just as important what you don't do, as it is what you do do.
Trust yourself. Do what you want, and say what you want. No doubts or judgments upon self. Just do it if it makes you feel good.
And to quote Gordon Downie from The Tragically Hip: "you can't be fond of living in the past. Cause if you are then there is no way that you're going to last." - Wheat Kings.

May you all have a joyous and prosperous New Year 2010!!!!!!!!!
