

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Transitioning into 2012..... and beyond.......

I've been reading/hearing that 2012 is quite the transitional year. A year of self reflection, breaking old patterns, and a LOT of coming more into our hearts rather our heads, as well as coming together to unite as a team effort to better humanity. Kindness will spread in the world, and we will seek prosperous relationships, a win-win joint effort, as well as care and compassion for one another. It will be our hunger, our strive. There will be a lot of oppositions with the government and law, but our souls will know the difference. We will feel more. We will engage more. We will seek personal goals. In this mind opening expansion, love may conquer all, in a matter of time, and money will take a back seat to make the world go round. Various activities to support human consciousness, brotherhood, and kindness will spread and get recognized in a matter of time. This is just the beginning. This is the turning point. The world will not end. It is just beginning.
Wow, that was an enlightenment.

My last year's resolution was to write everyday. I made the promise to write everyday, even if it was uninspiring such as "I don't know what to say." That lasted about a week. For the month of January, I slipped and tried to get back on my everyday routine, and then I slipped allllll year.... I wanted to make a book and call it "A Year in the Life of Karla" and look back at what I accomplished, fell back on, and grew from. But I guess I wasn't feeling it. I made a commitment that felt pressured. Writing only comes from inspiration, or an idea that flows. I just didn't have that everyday, and making myself write was something I didn't want to do, unless I felt it.
Like now.

I guess this year's resolution is to become more into myself and away from myself. I mean to become more into my authentic self, and less into my mind. To get away from all the little details and into the bigger picture. To concentrate on something bigger than myself. To stop thinking about what is happening TO me, and focus on what I CAN do. To flow with life, to be the master creator, and to know that I can make a difference in this world, and to get rid of my fears and out of my head concerning details. Think about what I want in life, and go for it, instead of how it's going to happening. All we have, individually, is knowledge. Knowledge we hear or read everywhere we go. It's not about how to use the knowledge, it's about trusting it, and letting it go. For example, you may think little of the universe and have little faith in things working out for you. It doesn't matter if you don't. It's trusting your inner knowledge and listening to that intuition inside of you that tells you what to believe. You know what's right for you. If you just listen. And believe it. Then, do it!

I hope all of you have a Happy, Joyous, Fulfilling 2012 and may you follow your dreams and your hearts.

Much Love,

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