

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Aug 31

All these things I thought I wanted
Are right beneath me
But yet I can't seem to want to take hold
My beliefs are changing
My ways and acts have come a full circle
I am not the same person
I used to be

Abundance is there if you look really closely
You will see You have
What you need
The universe provides for all that we ask for
Even if we're not consciously aware
We're asking for it
Our thoughts are so powerful
It's Energy, Beyond Measure
So many amazing things have been happening to me lately.
One after another, a series of events
I am only aware of them now.
I have come to the alignment with myself,
My soul, my body, my Mind, The Universe.
What we ask for.
Is what we'll get.
We have to become aware of or thoughts.
They are what create our reality, so be careful what you believe.
Our view, what we come to believe, is all an inner manifestation of our thoughts.
What we experience, is a reflection of what we believe.
Our reactions to events
Is an outward manifestation of our inner reality.
Our thoughts and beliefs are an outward hologram.
What we perceive is what we have believed through time.

Well, the time is Up!!!!

The time is NOW and you have an opportunity to change the way you think, how you perceive, and what you believe about the events and the people around you.

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