

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Transitioning into 2012..... and beyond.......

I've been reading/hearing that 2012 is quite the transitional year. A year of self reflection, breaking old patterns, and a LOT of coming more into our hearts rather our heads, as well as coming together to unite as a team effort to better humanity. Kindness will spread in the world, and we will seek prosperous relationships, a win-win joint effort, as well as care and compassion for one another. It will be our hunger, our strive. There will be a lot of oppositions with the government and law, but our souls will know the difference. We will feel more. We will engage more. We will seek personal goals. In this mind opening expansion, love may conquer all, in a matter of time, and money will take a back seat to make the world go round. Various activities to support human consciousness, brotherhood, and kindness will spread and get recognized in a matter of time. This is just the beginning. This is the turning point. The world will not end. It is just beginning.
Wow, that was an enlightenment.

My last year's resolution was to write everyday. I made the promise to write everyday, even if it was uninspiring such as "I don't know what to say." That lasted about a week. For the month of January, I slipped and tried to get back on my everyday routine, and then I slipped allllll year.... I wanted to make a book and call it "A Year in the Life of Karla" and look back at what I accomplished, fell back on, and grew from. But I guess I wasn't feeling it. I made a commitment that felt pressured. Writing only comes from inspiration, or an idea that flows. I just didn't have that everyday, and making myself write was something I didn't want to do, unless I felt it.
Like now.

I guess this year's resolution is to become more into myself and away from myself. I mean to become more into my authentic self, and less into my mind. To get away from all the little details and into the bigger picture. To concentrate on something bigger than myself. To stop thinking about what is happening TO me, and focus on what I CAN do. To flow with life, to be the master creator, and to know that I can make a difference in this world, and to get rid of my fears and out of my head concerning details. Think about what I want in life, and go for it, instead of how it's going to happening. All we have, individually, is knowledge. Knowledge we hear or read everywhere we go. It's not about how to use the knowledge, it's about trusting it, and letting it go. For example, you may think little of the universe and have little faith in things working out for you. It doesn't matter if you don't. It's trusting your inner knowledge and listening to that intuition inside of you that tells you what to believe. You know what's right for you. If you just listen. And believe it. Then, do it!

I hope all of you have a Happy, Joyous, Fulfilling 2012 and may you follow your dreams and your hearts.

Much Love,

Year in a Nutshell

I thought I would lay it flat on the table with no inhibitions and talk about the year I had.
As you may know, I am now living in Vernon as of October 2011. After having lived in Vancouver my whole life, I decided to get out of the big city and move to the Okanagan. Why Vernon? A lot of people ask. Honestly, I don't know. It was just something I picked. Partly to do with the fact that I didn't know anyone here, except for an old high school friend, that I just got back in touch with. So, that's my reason. I basically picked this as a safety net. I have to say, she has been a real help for me with giving me a place to stay while I was looking for my own place. That's me, seeking adventure. With routine and monotony I get pretty bored easily. So, that's another reason I moved from Vancouver after 31 years. It is a very beautiful city, and everyone agrees. But I felt this is just something my gut was telling me to do and so without fear or hesitation, I went for it (well, with some fear and hesitation, I did have, I went for it anyway. Just like that book "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" ;)
I am glad I did. Even though my life in Vancouver was filled with very genuine friendships and a very good (but unsteady) job the last couple years. I felt like I fit in somewhere in life, the first time in a very long time.
Also, partly because of an on-again/off-again relationship making me feel the need to escape everything familiar and get a fresh start, new inspiration. I had a vision I would go rock hounding throughout the interior driving down the lake hugging highway and stopping at various places, as I have been collecting crystals and stones the last couple years. That will come in the New Year. I know I have had a few challenges, but also a few miracles, during my time here in the last 3 months.
*breathe* Where to start.

I moved here feeling elated, brand new, and excited. Out of the blue, a man re-entered my life whom I have known since an infant. Our families were very close. Our mothers were best friends. We went camping as kids and my family lived with his family for a couple months when my mom divorced my dad in 1989. He invited me to his aunt's house for thanksgiving, and, after not having seen him for 17 years, I gladly accepted.
Things hit off right away, and he pursued me and wanted a relationship. I was hesitant going into one, but my heart wasn't. I felt so comfortable around him, and he made me laugh until I couldn't catch my breath and my eyes cried. We built memories and future visions together for those 2 months. Then, all of a sudden, he became distant and eventually, ended the relationship with me. This is where I'm at right now. He still wants to be friends, but I want to be more. I recently went to his brother's wedding and had a great time with his family laughing and having a jolly time. They like me, and I like them. More so, I love and respect him. He is such a great guy, with so many good attributes, integrity, and goals. He will become successful at whatever he chooses to do. That's why, they say, if you love someone, let them go. As much as I love him and want to be with him, I do love him enough to let him carry on his own life and do what he needs to do. If I thought otherwise, that would be jealousy and greed.

Maybe this opportunity is teaching me to love, in ways that I haven't experienced before. I remember in past relationships I would have these set rules that I would make up for myself for a man to do. But that is not love, love has no restrictions. You should not expect anything from love. Thinking that way just set myself up for disappointment.
I am not going to be one of those girls who is walking on tightropes to express myself. There are people who give advice on what to do, how to act, what to say, eg. Wait an hour (hypothetically speaking) before returning his texts.... Playing hard to get..... Don't call him until he calls you.... I am sick of playing that bullshit game. If I want to talk to someone, if I want to hug them, if I want to express how I feel, I do it. It is not needy or any other type of label. I can love someone and be happy on my own at the same time. I am myself. I follow my own heart, because if I didn't, my mind would go crazy, thinking things in a never ending cycle, and I wouldn't be growing. I am moving away from the game mentality, and just going by what my heart truly desires. Why would I be someone else otherwise? What good is it to be someone else other than yourself? You just end up hurting yourself.

I've been reading/hearing that 2012 is quite the transitional year. A year of self reflection, breaking old patterns, and a LOT of coming more into our hearts rather our heads, as well as coming together to unite as a team effort to better humanity. Kindness will spread in the world, and we will seek prosperous relationships, a win-win joint effort, as well as care and compassion for one another. It will be our hunger, our strive. There will be a lot of oppositions with the government and law, but our souls will know the difference. We will feel more. We will engage more. We will seek personal goals. In this mind opening expansion, love may conquer all, in a matter of time, and money will take a back seat to make the world go round. Various activities to support human consciousness, brotherhood, and kindness will spread and get recognized in a matter of time. This is just the beginning. This is the turning point. The world will not end. It is just beginning.
Wow, that was an enlightenment.

My last year's resolution was to write everyday. I made the promise to write everyday, even if it was uninspiring such as "I don't know what to say." That lasted about a week. For the month of January, I slipped and tried to get back on my everyday routine, and then I slipped allllll year.... I wanted to make a book and call it "A Year in the Life of Karla" and look back at what I accomplished, fell back on, and grew from. But I guess I wasn't feeling it. I made a commitment that felt pressured. Writing only comes from inspiration, or an idea that flows. I just didn't have that everyday, and making myself write was something I didn't want to do, unless I felt it.
Like now.

I guess this year's resolution is to become more into myself and away from myself. I mean to become more into my authentic self, and less into my mind. To get away from all the little details and into the bigger picture. To concentrate on something bigger than myself. To stop thinking about what is happening TO me, and focus on what I CAN do. To flow with life, to be the master creator, and to know that I can make a difference in this world, and to get rid of my fears and out of my head concerning details. Think about what I want in life, and go for it, instead of how it's going to happening. All we have, individually, is knowledge. Knowledge we hear or read everywhere we go. It's not about how to use the knowledge, it's about trusting it, and letting it go. For example, you may think little of the universe and have little faith in things working out for you. It doesn't matter if you don't. It's trusting your inner knowledge and listening to that intuition inside of you that tells you what to believe. You know what's right for you. If you just listen. And believe it. Then, do it!

I hope all of you have a Happy, Joyous, Fulfilling 2012 and may you follow your dreams and your hearts.

Much Love,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's All About Attitude

I just recently moved to Vernon from Vancouver a month ago. One of the major reasons was to get out of the city. Another reason was to live more affordably, and another reason was to get out of the rain. One of the main reasons, was to seek inspiration through change.
At first I felt different, and everything I saw looked different. Even the people who I passed looked different. I had the idea of writing about my daily experiences on a journal and scanning them into a blog, so it would be like a blournal where the reader actually gets a personal touch of who I am. I could even draw little pictures and stuff. But I didn't do it, or haven't done it yet. Partly because of my lack of attention to one particular idea. But I am making the effort to write this now. And I am pleased.
What I really wanted to touch on is opportunity. And manifestation. It seems like I have quickly manifested so much in my time here within the last month, that it feels like my time has doubled. A lot has happened with the meeting of new people, me getting into a new relationship (I know, fast, right? But he is amazing) finding out that my landlady above me is an insomniac, figuring out that it's hard to get around at night without a car (the buses stop running at 6 pm so I feel like I am confined into this house), and realizing that I have to persist and hammer employers if I want to get a job. Alas, this is all part of the change and adventure that I wanted, and this is what I got.
I have been (we all are) manifesting things at an unreasonably fast rate, knowingly and unknowingly. What you think, you create. What you focus on, expands.
This past week I was feeling frustrated that I wouldn't get a job within the next 2 weeks - that is when I need to start working, in 2 weeks because my EI runs out. Panically thinking about Christmas, too, and making it home for my friends and family functions. Worriedly, I asked the Universe for me to land a job within 2 weeks. Fair enough, a few days later, I got a job offer in Vancouver at my old government job I used to work at, Indian and Northern Affairs. It was to start Nov. 14-Mar. 31. Great! But not the city I want to work in. (I guess we have to be specific with our askings!) Tempted to take it, afraid of money (or lack thereof), I had to let her know by 3 pm the next day. Feeling so grateful that the Universe has answered my request, I quickly decided in 2 hours and said I would take it! Feeling a bit uneasy with my belongings and having to move again, and giving up the chance that I had just set up for myself here, I felt a little cheated to myself. "Am I going to give up what could be to go back to where I wanted to escape from?" Thinking that I was making the right decision, I let some of my friends know that I was going back to Vancouver for 5 months. They were excited, of course, to see me again. I was too. Except I didn't know what Vernon would have to offer me. I gave my landlord my notice and was mentally preparing to move the next week.
The next morning(today), I woke up, and realized that I like it here. I love this city, and the people here are so nice. I have met a lot of nice people and have had a lot of help within this last month, just think about what more could come out of this if I were to stay. I really wanted to stay and give it a try for myself.
I phoned my landlord and apologized for the confusion, and told them that I was going to stay and give it a try. I also told the job I would not take it. I also told my friends and family I was staying.
Something came over me today. Something told me to keep going, not to give up, and that I have set myself up here. I felt pushed to try harder, faith and eagerness to proceed and succeed here in this town. I got out my folder and called the places I applied at last week to follow up on my applications. Who I never heard from but wanted to last week, I got in touch with. One of the places even set up an interview time for me. With my newfound attitude on success, I made my way out in the town with determination and confidence and the first place I applied to interviewed me on the spot, and I got the job! Even though it's not my desired pay and part-time, at least it's something to diminish my worry!
You see, I wanted to take that government job out of my attitude of fear and worry about money. I know that if I did go back to Vancouver, I would probably be wondering about all the opportunity I would be missing out on over here. But because I changed my attitude on faith and determination, and held a more positive approach to my reason I moved here, doors opened up for me! And I'm sure it would be a positive one! As one opportunity presents itself, other opportunities begin to present itself, and the flow continues. It's all about motives and attitude. What is the reason behind your decisions? What is your attitude when you make a decision?
Who knows what could present itself to me the longer I am here. The more I put myself out there and the more I have a positive outlook on the reason I moved here, the opportunities could be limitless. You just gotta ask with the right attitude, and you shall receive :)

Here are a couple quotes I thought of today:

"This is just a test. I repeat: This is only a test!" - Life
"When we follow our truth, the Universe opens up doors for us where we otherwise wouldn't see."

have a great day/week/month/year/life! Always remember, the right choices you make is in your attitude about them! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



What is balance? To some, it could mean centering oneself daily in the practice of meditation, exercise, yoga, playing an instrument, cooking, being in nature, or whatever it takes to make you feel like you can go on about your day and handle any task or challenging situation brought into your experience.
To some, it could mean eating a balanced diet, including the 5 food groups as part of a daily meal, keeping sugar out of your diet, or just not eating the whole box of your favorite chocolates.
In general, balance means to take control of your decisions when you are thinking clearly, and using things in moderation.

Over the years, I have become a sloth for trying to achieve balance. With many things I could speak about, I will only speak about one. That is coming to accept that certain things are out of your control, especially the actions, thoughts, and beliefs of others.

I recently watched the movie Eat, Pray, Love. Such a feel-good movie. If you haven't seen it, I do recommend it. If you don't already know the story, it is about a woman who has left her unhappy relationship to explore herself by travelling to 3 countries over 1 year. During her journey of self-discovery, she met a few interesting people who opened her perspective about love, food, religion, herself, and life. Her healing process had finally make her conclude “if you are brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting (which can be anything from your house to your bitter old resentments) and set out on a truth-seeking journey (either externally or internally), and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared – most of all – to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourself – then truth will not be withheld from you.” Wow. How true is that. OK, that wasn't really the quote I was looking for the prove my point, but I thought I would add it in as it really speaks to me right now. I am going through a transition phase right now – I could look at it as a loss, but I am on a self-seeking journey to find my happiness, and in doing so, I have given up a few things recently. The lesson I am in is one of letting go, and that everything you need is provided from the universe for you!

OK, so where were we. Balance. Ah, yes. Some people I know have said that they can't be in a relationship when they feel unbalanced. Is that so? What about all those couples who have been married for 30 years or our families that stick around our whole lives?(I've recently read that maintaining successful family relationships is the biggest challenge of all relationships, and if you can do that, then all realtionships will be successful.) I am sure there have been many times when one or the other has felt a huge sense of imbalance. It's all in how we handle it. The most important key in a relationship is to know when you are unbalanced, acknowledge it, and do whatever it takes to regain your balance. But I suppose it is not a good idea to rid someone from your life because of your own imbalances. It is not the other person's fault and they will definitely love you even when you are feeling imbalanced. At least real love would.

OK, I'm getting a little carried away here. OK, so in the movie, Julia Roberts gave up a new opportunity for love, because she felt like she couldn't regain her balance in love. Her guru then said “Sometimes, to lose balance for love is part of living a balanced life.” That then led her to state her views regarding the former quote above, and she then chased after her man in a very happily-ever-after way.

So it comes down to know that having a “slip” of balance is a very natural human thing. We human beings are not perfect, and we are continuously learning. Whether it be feeling guilty for eating that bacon deluxe burger combo with mayo for your fries (just stuff yourself with salad the next day) or indulging in any addiction, or calling a loved one names, or not saying thank you to a stranger, we know what the right thing is for our body and mind ALWAYS. Sometimes we get so caught up in a bad day at work and take it out on our loved ones, and they take it out on someone else, and the vicious cycle continues. If we put things in perspective and NOT take things personally, and stop the vicious cycle, and let go of your mind, fear, ego, and take a chance into the unknown, and realize the real essence is love, as there is only love, then we could get through anything. And even if things don't always turn out the way we would expect, know that something greater is coming along to you from the universe. Open your mind, body, and heart to receive :-) :) YOU are in control of your own life and your reactions.

Ultra Light and Love to you today!!

Karla :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 to 2011 ~ Transitioning into peace and love.

2011. Where did the year go? It seems like it was just summer a few months ago.
I am sure 2011 will provide many opportunities and the flow into them will be of ease.
I ended 2010 in Nipawin, Saskatchewan, and began 2011 in Nipawin, Saskatchewan. It seemed like the right place to shed behind and leave the old, and have something new to bring into the New Year. New scenery, new people, new insights.
I went with my boyfriend on a road trip from Vancouver, BC to Nipawin, Saskatchewan, and left the day after Christmas, December 26, 2010. It was a much needed journey to shed off some old stale energies stuck inside me. As the days went by, it seemed like I was gaining more insights, learning more lessons, and taking in a new perspective into creating the new me for a fresh start into 2011.
Nipawin is a town way north of Saskatchewan with the population of 1,000 with bare roads and white covered fields of snow. The quiet and stillness is basically all you have to take in. Ice fishing, snowmobiling, and the flaps of ravens wings through the dead sound of air swallowed by massive forests is Nipawin in a nutshell. Distant sounds of snowmobiles and trucks kilometres down the long snowy roads is all you hear. There was one time we went to the hillbilliest of the hillbillies own yard to put on some snow tires, where I kept warm from the -20 degree weather infront of a firepit in the garage with collectible pop and beer cans hanging from the ceiling. He said he collected every single printed label imaginable. The cold doesn't get to you though, like it does out here. With sunny skies and a drier climate, don't let the number fool you. Of course though, I was bundles up in layers and snow pants, but it doesn't chill you to the bone like the damp rainy weather of Vancouver.
My most memorable moment by far, though was our night spent at his friend Jeff's house, in Calgary, on our journey back, Jan 2, 2011. Jeff is a Shaman and works with crystals and Spirit. Just telling him I was feeling unbalanced lately was his invitation to do some work on me. He told me to stand up, and breathe and centre myself. As I was starting to feel the energy flow, it wasn't long for me to connect to my Higher Self. Visuals came to my head, and a doorway was seen in the distance. He told me to walk towards it. I did, and as I was standing there wanting to open it, he told Lance to stand up beside me and Lance had to prepare himself to let as well. At this point, feeling Lance's presence beside me, I felt so small. I felt like a tiny 4 foot lady and Lance was a powerful giant towering beside me, but I felt safe. Jeff gave Lance a crystal and told him that this was the key to give to me and Lance has been waiting for thousands of years to give this to me. Jeff told Lance he was in his past and Jeff told me to tell Lance "It's ok. You've fulfilled your vow." I said it, and Jeff told me to say it again, from my heart. I took a breath and felt it from my heart. I held out my hand and Jeff asked Lance if he was ready to give me the key. He said yes, and he put it in my hand. Jeff told me to look at it, and to see all the love that was in it from his past. I did, and I felt it. Jeff then told me to take a few steps through the door into the new room, and I pictured an outside field of flowers and daisies, and smelled the fresh air. He then told me to turn around and to see where I came from. I saw a dark doorway and through the doorway was a long hallway that was shadowed by the doorway. He told me that was the "old Karla" and all I saw was a dark shadowed Karla looking small. I felt bigger now standing in this new place. He told Lance to raise up his hands infront of him and me as well and to feel the energy between us. We then joined our hands together and had a heart felt connection and embraced each other in our arms for a minute or two. It was the best feeling. We were now connected at heart and inseparable.
Jeff then mentioned that that was the first time he hadn't held the key for anyone. It was Lance who held the key for me. That just reinstates that we are meant to be together, and we are there to help each other. That night, we had a heart-to-heart conversation lying in bed together. There is no one else I could open up to without shame or guilt or insecurity. All feels well and all feels safe with him. He is so understanding and caring and accepts and listens to me. He has taught me to love unconditionally and that heart is the most powerful thing. It can move mountains. Through heart, we can overcome anything.
Since that opening, I have felt more love in my heart. I had insights the next day driving through the Rockies from Calgary. As we were approaching the Rockies, I noticed mountains all around me, swarming, an endless supply. It occured to me that there is no one person or thing that we can rely on to make us happy. The world is endless with people and things and all is love and I felt all the love that was shared from people to people throughout my journey.
I also had an insight that we, as society has taught us, and peers and authority figures, to always be striving for something more than what we have and to do better, and to get more, and to achieve a certain status; to be this, that, married, a banker, lawyer, doctor, to be labelled. Well, that is bull$&!#. We have everything we need. I used to want to have something in order to feel successful or fulfilled. I've always wanted more than what I had. Well, it's right in front of my face. I already HAVE it. It's love, it's there. What more could I want? We are all love.